I Broke my Leg Today -- November 7th, 2019

I guess the headline today is that I did indeed break my leg at work today, pretty badly, too. We had a big tournament at the golf course I work at, and I was in a rush to get everything set up so it was perfect and ready to go. In our cart barn, there are poles that act as reinforcement located all over the barn. I unplugged a cart, hopped in and put it in reverse with my leg dangling out the side, like a complete dingus. My leg got caught in between one of those poles and the cart, causing it to break in multiple spots. At first, I didn't even realize it happened, and then I looked down and realized my leg was stuck in between the cart and the pole. I sat there for a few minutes, sweating bullets and wondering how bad I had just hurt myself. I was able to stand up and shakily put a little weight on it; at that point, I thought I may be able to just walk it off and get back out there. After a few minutes, the pain started to set in and it swelled to about twice the size. Luckily, I have a great crew of guys I work with, and everyone really took care of me. In either the fibula or the tibia, I have a spiral fracture, where, as the doctor explained it, the bone actually unravels at the bottom, which sounds awful. In the other of those 2 bones, it completely fractured off a segment right near the ankle. I won't know for a few days, but I may end up having to have surgery, which will have me laid up for quite a while. Either way, my life as I knew it changed pretty dramatically in the blink of an eye. There are going to be a lot of implications from this sordid moment, both good and bad. This frees up a lot of time for me to work on my coding career, unimpeded by the 9-5. I'm going to get workers' compensation for this, which doesn't add up to the entirety of my hourly pay, but it's still a hefty chunk, so I don't have to be concerned with my funds suddenly drying up. If I capitalize on this time I've been given, I believe I could make the switch in careers. However, the drawbacks from this injury are hefty. I'm completely incapacitated as far as being able to help around the house, grocery shop, play with my little girl, or do anything that involves moving faster than a snail's pace or using my hands. I could also be in for a brutal recovery if I have to have surgery. About 7 years ago, I hit a tree snowboarding and had to have a really rough surgery on my knee. It was a long and incredibly painful recovery. I just hope I'm not going to have to endure that again, but by the way it sounds, that's not exactly a promising conclusion. Hopefully, I can make the best of this situation and put in some long, hard hours to finally switch careers; I would be able to work remotely with ease right now, that's for sure! As far as my coding journey goes, I've been stuck trying to implement page transitions for the last day and a half, and I finally did it. Honestly, the difference right now is so minimal, I don't even know if it was worth it, but I'm proud that I figured it out after hitting my head against the wall for a solid 5 or 6 hours. In the end, I consulted a previous project I had done through Colt Steele's "The Modern React Bootcamp," where I had these transitions fully functional. After cajoling the code quite a bit, I got it to work in my portfolio. I just have a few loose ends to clean up in my portfolio before it's ready to deploy. I'm having a really hard time writing the "about me" section, just because it's so hard to write about myself, even though I do it every day in my blog. I also want to migrate all of my images to make my app a lot more lightweight than it currently is. I have a feeling this is going to be quite difficult, but I'm excited for the challenge. Finally, I would like to use Pose for React to add some animations to my site, but I haven't had any luck with Pose, just yet. I'll keep trying, hopefully I can figure it out! Until tomorrow!