What is this blog?

Hey there! My name is Sam Thoyre and I'm an aspiring web developer. Currently, I'm working at a golf course as a golf professional in Sarasota, Florida, but I am looking to make a career change as soon as possible. I'm engaged and have a beautiful baby girl named Kaija who tends to be my main inspiration. I have an economics degree with a background in a multitude of customer-oriented settings. This is a huge right turn for me in my career, but one that I'm fully embracing and more than ready to take on. I started this adventure on May 26th, 2019. Something snapped in me; I looked to the future and just couldn't see myself happily sitting at a desk in the back of a golf shop for the rest of my life, doing the same thing day in and day out, with little mental stimulation whatsoever. My first thought was to research how to become a data analyst, due to my background in economics. I found a short course on TeamTreehouse.com on SQL and decided to jump in. I powered through this course in about a week and was instantly struck with the coding bug. Somewhere along the line, and I don't particularly know what it might have been to get me going this way, I decided that it might be better if I get a full understanding of web development, starting with the basics and building up from there. After a lot more research, I stumbled upon a site called TheOdinProject, which is an open-source curriculum for learning full-stack development. I cruised through HTML and CSS thinking I was a god, and then I woke up to JavaScript. JavaScript whupped me up one side of the street and drug me down the other side. After meeting with a friend of a friend who is currently a full stack developer, I was convinced to check out some other resources. The Odin Project is great, but at the time, it was only offering Ruby for the backend curriculum, and this friend convinced me it would be better to learn NodeJS. Not only that, but most of the material in this course was just printed tutorials and explanations. These were typically great resources, just not exactly what I needed. After even more research, I found a course on Udemy.com by Colt Steele called the Web Developer Bootcamp. This course has single-handedly moved me forward more than everything else combined. The breadth of topics covered is vast and, given that it's a 41 hour course, the topics go into pretty good depth. This bootcamp also helped me to get a serious base of projects started on my Github profile. Since I don't have any experience in web development, I'm convinced that if I create as many projects as I can using a bunch of different tools and technologies, not only will I become well-versed in these tools and technologies, but I'll be able to show potential employers that I have some clue of what I'm doing. So far, I'm loving every minute of this adventure, as challenging as it has been. In a matter of a couple of months, I've gone from absolutely zero knowledge in web development to having over 25 projects deployed live and on Github. Keep up with my daily blog to see what I'm learning, what resources I'm using, what I'm struggling with, and what my future goals might be. Thanks for stopping by!